Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas photos!

Courtney always has a blast with the twins!

My dad gave Adam Jazz tickets for Christmas!

Baby Reed and his great grandma Bates

My dad with Reed and my aunt Candice... we're praying for you!

I was so happy that he didn't fuss during pictures!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas and New Year's

My whole family came to Utah for the holidays! It has been so much fun. Chelsea and Jay came from Oregon, my parents from Montana, and Courtney from Idaho. We are so spread out that we don't get to see each other very often; so it has been so special to have everyone together. We have been so blessed to have family here for Reed's blessing. I love seeing my family holding him and cuddling him. Plus, I LOVE having extra pairs of hands to help! This first time mom is still learning how to balance everything. Speaking of...I must go attend to my child! Ta ta for now!