Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Baby Boy!!!

Adam and I are very pleased to announce that we are having a baby boy! We are both very excited for this little bundle of joy to arrive. I still have four months to go, but I am over half way there!!! Overall, I am feeling good...just a little tired.
I have had my mom in town for the last week and I am dreading the day that she leaves. Who is going to help me organize, and cook, and clean?!?!? My mom came down from good ol' Montana for my ultrasound and to throw me the cutest baby shower ever! She did everything in green and yellow. (pictures to follow) It was so adorable. She put in so much work. And then her work has only continued as her novice daughter needs constant help on "baby related" things (for example I got a brush for the baby's head at the shower and I had no idea what it was. I would have used it to scrub dishes).
The baby shower was a total success! I felt so guilty by the end because of all of the gifts, love and support I was given. My family is so blessed. I know that I am bringing a baby into this world who already has tons of love from so many people! Now if I could just find a name for this little guy everything would be perfect! I'm open to any suggestions. :)


Scottie and Tasha said...

Hooray! I was getting so anxious wondering what you were having. It's going to be so fun having little boys together! It was so fun to see you and Adam when we were in Utah- we miss you guys so much!

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