Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Baby Reed!

So we finally welcomed our first child into the world. His name is Reed Michael Nunes. He was born on December 1, 2010 (his due date) and he weighed 7 lbs 11 ounces. FYI...only 3% of people are born on their due date. His is beautiful and so perfect! He is doing very well, and he is a happy baby. Things are going great! We have managed to bathe, change, and feed him without incident (minus the three times he has peed on us while changing him).

He has lots of hair! YAY! He definitely got that from his dad, along with his nose and his brow. However, I believe that he has my father's feet. The nurses kept remarking about how large is feet are! For the most part everything went okay during labor and delivery. They did have some concerns so Reed spent three days in the nursery with IVs and antibiotics. But he just had a followup with the pediatrician yesterday and everything is A-OK!

I have made it a week! Wish me luck for next week; I'm going to need mom will be going home. AAAHHHH!

Friday, November 26, 2010 new obsession!

Maybe it is the cravings from pregnancy...or maybe it's just me, but I am getting obsessed with desserts. I love all things sugary, sweet and entirely unhealthy! I know the picture does not make it look too appetizing, but I recently made a Snickers cake. It is so easy to make, and so yummy! Since I am at home until the baby comes I am going to cure my boredom by cleaning and cooking...that makes me sound much more domestic than I actually am. I think I am going to venture into the cutesy world of mini desserts. They seems easier to make and they are easier to package up and give as little treats for neighbors. I am planning on making at least one dessert a day, maybe two if I am feeling really ambitious. I think the first is going to be mini cherry pies, and then possibly mini "cake pops". We'll see how it turns out.
Other than the new obsession, life is pretty dull for us. We are just ready and waiting for baby Reed. The bags are packed and we are ready to go (am I channeling John Denver?). We have the car set secured and the nursery is perfectly organized, thanks to mom! All we need now is the baby. We officially have 5 days until the due date. Hopefully my next post will be one announcing the birth of our baby boy.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Baby Reed!

So...drum roll please... our baby boy finally has a name...Reed Michael Nunes. I am so excited that Adam and I finally settled on a name. It only took us seven months. I hope that everyone likes the name because I have already had it monogrammed on a Christmas stocking :) Adam thinks I am crazy for getting ready for Christmas already, but I just can't help myself. It will be Reed's first Christmas and I want everything to be perfect. Plus, I figure that I won't be feeling like doing any Christmas shopping or decorating with a newborn. I have five weeks left until the arrival of Reed. But if you were to see me you would think that I am 5 weeks overdue!
Adam would be remiss if I neglected to mention that his San Fransisco Giants are in the world series. He is so excited! At one point I had told Adam that if the Giants won the world series he could name our baby David (the name that he has loved forever, and I have detested). Now that they are in the world series I am seriously questioning my sanity. So, we have compromised. If they win we will name our next baby boy David. I am crossing my fingers!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A new car for "baby"

So, Adam and I finally got our new car and I love it! It is the 2011 Ford Fusion. It is beautiful!!! I am so happy to have a new and safe car for "baby". By the way, "baby" still has no name. We just can't seem to agree on anything! We are getting close to my due date and everything is ready for the baby. The nursery is stocked and organized, the car seat is ready to go in the new car, and the hospital bag is packed. All we need now is the baby! I am excited for pregnancy to be ending, and I'm sure Adam is more excited...he will not mourn the loss of the whining wife!

Work for both Adam and I is going well. We have hired some new people at Ari Diamonds and I am so excited! Adam's business is continuing to grow every week. ExpertAuto Glass keeps getting more clients and it has been really fun to watch the business grow from one person at a car wash into a full fledged business with employees and commercial accounts. I am so proud of Adam!

Adam just returned this last week from a trip to D.C. where he got to catch a ball game with our good friend, Bear. He is leaving again this month to go with Bear to a 49ers game. I really hope the 49ers win, otherwise I might have a sad husband coming home. Other than Adam's small vacations there really hasn't been much going on. We enjoyed conference this past weekend. There were some great talks and I was lucky enough to have my little sister come watch it with us.

I think that's really all I have to update on...we're pretty boring!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Waiting for Baby!

Life for Adam and I has been relatively slow since the accident. We are still driving a rental car (grrr) and waiting for the insurance to decide the value of our Focus that was totaled. We think we will get a new Escape. It will be so nice in the winter to have 4WD! Nowadays it seems like we are just waiting for the little baby boy to arrive. Although we still have over two months left, I think this guy wants to come out now. He is constantly kicking me and doing somersaults in my belly. He is strong! There is still no name for the baby...I have given up! I'm thinking that picking a name out of a hat might be the only option at this point. Adam is getting ready to take a couple of trips before the baby comes. He will be going to Montana to get our new car, to DC for a baseball game, and to San Fransisco for a 49ers game. I will miss him! But I think I am going to pass the time by watching every musical I own and eating way too much ice cream! Ta ta!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The car with the bad Ju-Ju

So, My adorable little Ford Focus is sitting in an impound lot with the trunk inside the back seat. Adam, my mom and I were in a car accident on Tuesday night. We were rear-ended coming back from Inn-and-out burger. The car behind us failed to see the stoplight and hit us. We were pushed into the car ahead of us and the car in front of that. We are waiting for the claims adjuster to decide whether or not to total our car. At first I was so sad to think that my car might be totaled; until Adam reminded me that in the year I have had the car it has been broken into twice and an accident. I think my car is cursed. If we are able to get a new car, I would love to have an SUV (so much safer for us and baby!) Any recommendations? Overall we are hoping that everyone involved in the accident is okay. We are all very sore(especially mom), but no lost limbs. All things considered it could have been much worse.

Other updates on our life:
My employer, Ari Diamonds, is doing great! It is such a fun place to work. They are doing a giveaway for pair of pearl earrings or a men's bracelet for the person that guesses closest when I will have the baby and how much it will weigh. Anyone can go on Facebook and post their guess. It is so sweet that they are doing that!!! I love my job!!

Adam's company is taking off as well. They just had their best month ever! I am so proud of him. They are constantly getting more accounts and the business is coming in!

We are still trying to pick out a boy name. We are open to ANY suggestions. We apparently cannot agree on any names. Maybe we will have the doctor pick our son's name ;)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Baby Boy!!!

Adam and I are very pleased to announce that we are having a baby boy! We are both very excited for this little bundle of joy to arrive. I still have four months to go, but I am over half way there!!! Overall, I am feeling good...just a little tired.
I have had my mom in town for the last week and I am dreading the day that she leaves. Who is going to help me organize, and cook, and clean?!?!? My mom came down from good ol' Montana for my ultrasound and to throw me the cutest baby shower ever! She did everything in green and yellow. (pictures to follow) It was so adorable. She put in so much work. And then her work has only continued as her novice daughter needs constant help on "baby related" things (for example I got a brush for the baby's head at the shower and I had no idea what it was. I would have used it to scrub dishes).
The baby shower was a total success! I felt so guilty by the end because of all of the gifts, love and support I was given. My family is so blessed. I know that I am bringing a baby into this world who already has tons of love from so many people! Now if I could just find a name for this little guy everything would be perfect! I'm open to any suggestions. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Back to the Homeland!

Adam and I arrived in Montana on Friday to visit my family. We stayed Thursday night in Idaho Falls so we could break up the trip. Adam was a doll and drove the whole way so I could sleep. We surprised my family (It was our Father's Day gift for my dad). So far we have played with Hannah and Colby, planted flowers, and went to the Strawberry Festival. We are so sad we will be leaving tomorrow :( Hannah has a great fondness for "Uncle Adam" and plays with him ALL DAY LONG! He is going to be such a great dad!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Welcome to our blog! We are the Nunes family. Adam and I have been married just over a year and are building our family. We are pregnant (yay!) with our first child. No news yet on what gender the baby will be, but we will keep you posted. We have a little beagle named Daphne, who is adorable and irritating at the same time. Adam owns an auto glass company with his friend Damien, and I work at Ari Diamonds. We are so excited for our new baby to come join us and make us a family!