Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Baby Reed!

So we finally welcomed our first child into the world. His name is Reed Michael Nunes. He was born on December 1, 2010 (his due date) and he weighed 7 lbs 11 ounces. FYI...only 3% of people are born on their due date. His is beautiful and so perfect! He is doing very well, and he is a happy baby. Things are going great! We have managed to bathe, change, and feed him without incident (minus the three times he has peed on us while changing him).

He has lots of hair! YAY! He definitely got that from his dad, along with his nose and his brow. However, I believe that he has my father's feet. The nurses kept remarking about how large is feet are! For the most part everything went okay during labor and delivery. They did have some concerns so Reed spent three days in the nursery with IVs and antibiotics. But he just had a followup with the pediatrician yesterday and everything is A-OK!

I have made it a week! Wish me luck for next week; I'm going to need mom will be going home. AAAHHHH!


Scottie and Tasha said...

Oh my goodness- he is so cute! Congrats. I kept telling Scottie to call Adam to see if you had delivered yet! He is so cute and I think he looks like you Annie- adorable. Can't wait to get our little boys together :) Congrats again, hope everything is going well!

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